Music Ministries

The music ministry of FBCL exists to exalt and lift high the name of Jesus through music. Our goal is to ensure all members of our congregation are actively worshipping alongside us! There are numerous ways for you to become involved with our music program.
Praise Band – The Praise Band provides accompaniment to our worship music on Sunday mornings. We are primarily comprised of piano, keyboard, and guitars, but can include other instruments on an as-needed basis. Any musician interested in joining the Praise Band must be proficient at his or her instrument, with the ability to read music and/or chord charts. We rehearse on Sunday mornings at 8:45am.
Praise Team – This smaller group of vocalists helps to lead music and sings “specials” during our Sunday morning worship services. These singers do need to be able to sing different vocal parts in a small-group setting. While we mainly sing using tracks, we sometimes sing with live music. We rehearse on Sunday mornings at 9:15am.
Seasonal Choirs – This larger group of singers leads our congregation in worship during Christmas and Easter seasons, mostly through cantatas. We sing from printed 4-part choral anthems, but the ability to read music is not requirement. Rehearsals will take place seasonally on Sunday evenings at 4:45pm.
Solo and Ensemble Singing – Participation of the church is always encouraged in the worship of the church. Anyone who wishes to sing a solo, duet or ensemble in a given worship service may contact the worship leader and schedule a worship service date and time.
Audio/Visual – Our A/V team keeps things running smoothly for all services of the church. From sound to media and
live-streaming, we are always looking for volunteers eager to learn and help out.
Have questions about any of our ministries? Please contact Church office 704-888-2431.

Our Team

Worship Leader – Joshua McCrary

Pianist – Penny Whitley

Keyboard – Shirley Mullis

Guitarists – Buddy Whitley & Roger Love

Praise Team – Penny Whitley, Buddy Whitley, Melissa Smith, Joy Kerr, Dianne Efrid, Jane-Ellen Huneycutt